
Purple Wood Flowers Arranged in a Black Glass Vase


This purple bouquet of wood roses sits perfectly in this bohemian styled black glass vase and is the perfect medium size for almost any spot in your home or for a gift!

This arrangement measures approximately 9” tall and 6.5” round and is ready for shipping or pickup in Biddeford in 1-3 business days.

Available on backorder

This purple bouquet of wood roses sits perfectly in this bohemian styled black glass vase and is the perfect medium size for almost any spot in your home or for a gift!


This arrangement measures approximately 9” tall and 6.5” round and is ready for shipping or pickup in Biddeford in 1-3 business days.


ABOUT WOOD FLOWERS:  Wood flowers are individually handmade and hand painted.  They will last forever as long as they are kept moisture free.  To dust, we recommend using a hair dryer on low.

Please note that we do our best to capture the colors of our flowers but colors vary from screen to screen and may look slightly different in person.


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Bud Wood Flower ArrangementPurple Wood Flowers Arranged in a Black Glass Vase

Available on backorder